Help me with iOS API's Declared reasons

Hello team, I require your support to resolve doubts regarding the API Listing announcement ( currently we have SDKs from different providers integrated into our app. The question we have is whether each provider must update their SDK indicating the iOS API they use, for example UserDefaults, or if in our project in general we can specify everything that the SDKs use without having to update the SDKs of all providers.

What option do we have?

A) Our project in general must report eg: UserDefaults and everything that third-party SDKs use.

B) Our project in general must inform and in addition all the SDKs must be updated so that they inform the iOS API they use.

Option A is the most optimal for us, since we would only have to apply the setting in our app, informing the iOS APIs that we generally use.

Option B is critical, since we would have to update all SDKs to contain the requested setting. (Firebase, Medallia, Biocatch among others)

Thanks for your help

Help me with iOS API's Declared reasons