What's the best copilot you have found?

My how things have changed! Right? I cannot even describe how much time and effort my copilot has saved me. I code with the Mac version of VSCode and have been using Pieces for Developer's - a free plugin from the VSCode Marketplace.

Talk about blown away. I've used ChatGPT for a year in my browser, even GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, Cody and others... but having the Pieces copilot integrated into my editor as well as my entire toolchain has been insane.

On top of that, the Pieces Desktop (https://pieces.app/) that comes with the plugin is free too and does absolute magical things for my workflow.

My work is transformed because my copilot is like my own employee that does my work for me in a fraction of time.

Looking to hear what copilot experiences you are enjoying. Reply with a link to what you are using. If it's better than Pieces Copilot then I'll be retiring soon!


What's the best copilot you have found?