iOS 17.x not installed

Hi all. I have a problem related to Xcode. Xcode says "iOS 17.2 simulator" is not installed, but I have been using this simulator for a long time and have installed the necessary SDKs.

The problem has also been occurring for my colleagues since May 1, 2024. Restarting the Mac helps (there is no problem in Xcode after restarting Mac), but after reopening Xcode this problem repeats again.

macOS 14.3.1 (23D60) Xcode 15.2 (15C500b)

Answered by DTS Engineer in 786908022

Apple is aware of this issue. If your Mac is affected, please see this post for an easy workaround.

I'm having the same problem, except with Xcode 15.3 and the iOS 17.4 SDK.

Facing the same problem since 1st May 2024, iOS 17.4 SDK.

Me too, just started today. Feels like something belonging to Apple has suddenly started expiring.

Accepted Answer

Seeing this too. It first happened to me yesterday and I re-downloaded them which took a while but it fixed it temporarily until this morning when I opened up Xcode and it was saying they were missing again! Found a Reddit post (not allowed to link here) where someone said the following command fixed it for them and it fixed it for me too:

sudo killall -9

Me too. It's currently re-downloading, which will take a couple more hours. So that's half a day wasted.

Has anyone filed a bug?

Thanks for posting the link. It seems that something called “xprotect” decided it was malware and deleted it. FFS Apple.

The linked instructions suggest that it really is necessary to re-download it, i.e. it hasn’t just been quarantined or something. Is that right?

How do I turn off this “xprotect” feature?

This was a very widespread issue, affecting many teams and CI systems.

Heres what we found out on Mastodon (don’t know if I’m allowed to link

The macOS anti-malware system XProtect got an update a couple of days ago, XProtectPayload 132, it found a false positive in the simulator runtime disk image and so would unmount the disk image and try to delete it. Restart your Mac should mount the image again if it wasn’t deleted, otherwise delete any iOS 17 runtimes in Xcode Settings > Platforms and install it again. An updated 133 is out, check for updates and it should download the security update. Or try this command to force it

softwareupdate --install --include-config-data XProtectPayloads_10_15-133

Apple is aware of this issue. If your Mac is affected, please see this post for an easy workaround.

This issue is still happening on Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224) with XProtectPayloads 133 installed.

None of the workarounds are fixing this, and I am completely blocked from using the simulator.

iOS 17.x not installed