Questions about Live Activities

Our app is a time reporting service with various functions around that. The user checks in at work, checks out when they go home. We thought it'd be useful to provide a live activity to show how long they have worked for.

There is also a couple of other cool things we could do that users would love, but i couldn't find definitive answers to the questions below.


We have a geofence-based function that checks the user in when they for example arrive at work, and check them out when they go home, so that they don't have to open the app. However, this means that we will need to start and end the live activity from within a geofence trigger. Is this possible?


It seems that the maximum time for a live activity is 8 hours? Sometimes people work for longer... How would we solve this? i would be fine with 12 since it would solve most cases. Is it possible somehow to go beyond 8 hours up to 12? If not, is there a callback that "8 hours are up!" so that i could do a final update on the live activity from a counter to "you started working at 09:04"


I have seen that some live activities have buttons. It would be neat if the user can check out via a button on the live activity. However, since we take location and call our servers when checking out, we need to be able to use both the locationmanager and make a network call from the live activity. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance, Cheers

Questions about Live Activities