Hoe to create a ringtones on iPhone

Hello. I would like some advice on how to create ringtones from My Music Library. I would like to use iOS but might be willing to try using the Mac if that will work better. I know absolutely nothing about Audio editing and find it very intimidating. Not all of the ringtones I want to make are at the beginning of songs.

I tried the free version of Ringtone Maker, and even got to the song I wanted, but I couldn't tell where I was in the track, as it told me where I was by a minute and second but wasn't playing through the headphones or speaker, so I was lost. Do I have to get this information from some other App beforehand? Any help would be much appreciated, preferably in layman's terms. Thanks.

Dear Sophialee,

I would try to use some kind of audio editor, for example Apples Garage Band or Apples Logic... I like Audacity, but anyway: Import the song into the wave editor and select the parts you wish. Trimm the audio to about 30 Seconds max. Include some fade ins and fade out - if you like.

Export your file, for example make an mp3

Import to iTunes, convert to AAC and drag the file after to the desktop - it should now be an m4a labeled file, rename into m4r - and you finished making an audio file into a ringtone.

Hope this helps

Hoe to create a ringtones on iPhone