Viewing Sandbox Violation Reports

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IMPORTANT This post has been replaced by an official document, Discovering and diagnosing App Sandbox violations. Yay! I’m leaving it here for historical context only.

The best way to view sandbox violation reports has changed over the years, so I thought I’d post some up-to-date info. I tested the following with Xcode 13.3 on macOS 12.2.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Viewing Sandbox Violation Reports

After enabling the App Sandbox, you may find that your app fails in some non-obvious way. That is, something within your app doesn’t work, but your app doesn’t display a permissions error and so you have no idea where to start. If you find yourself in that situation, look for a sandbox violation report:

  1. Run the Console app.

  2. For each line below, copy the line and paste it in to the search box at the top right.


    This searches for sandbox violation reports.

    Note The exact query terms have changed over time. The above is accurate from macOS 12.2.

  3. Click the Save button in the bar below the search box and enter a name for your saved search. I typically use “Sandbox” for this. In future, click on this saved search to skip the previous step.

  4. Click “Start streaming”.

  5. Run your app and reproduce the problem.

  6. Look for a sandbox violation report in the log. If you see one, follow the steps below to investigate.

Inside a Sandbox Violation report

A sandbox violation report log entry looks like this:

type: error
time: 11:58:26.009175+0000
process: sandboxd
category: violation
message: Sandbox: AppSandboxViolat(5807) deny(1) file-read-data /Users/quinn/.ssh/id_rsa

The message includes a complete sandbox violation report. That’s too big to include here, so I’ve added it as a text attachment.

Look at the Violation field first:

Violation:       deny(1) file-read-data /Users/quinn/.ssh/id_rsa

This means that the App Sandbox blocked an attempt to read the data of the file at the path /Users/quinn/.ssh/id_rsa.

Next look at the thread backtraces. It’s normally pretty easy to identify the thread responsible for the violation: It’s the one blocked in a system call that could reasonably trigger this violation. For example:

Thread 0 (id: 291952):
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   … __open + 10
1   Foundation               … _NSReadBytesFromFileWithExtendedAttributes + 167
2   Foundation               … -[NSData(NSData) initWithContentsOfFile:options:maxLength:error:] + 119
3   libswiftFoundation.dylib … NSData.__allocating_init(contentsOf:options:) + 77
4   libswiftFoundation.dylib … Data.init(contentsOf:options:) + 76
5   AppSandboxViolator       … ViewController.violateAction(_:) + 1507 (ViewController.swift:25)
6   AppSandboxViolator       … @objc ViewController.violateAction(_:) + 65 (<compiler-generated>:0)
7   AppKit                   … -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 288

Here you see that AppKit has called the ViewController.violateAction(_:) method (frame 6) which has tried to created a Data value from the contents of a file (frame 5) which has eventually called open (frame 0), which is what triggered the violation.

Using this information, investigate and fix your sandbox incompatibility.

No Sandbox Violation Report

It’s possible that you might not see a sandbox violation report even though the problem is caused by the App Sandbox. For example, imagine you have code like this:

let url: URL = … some file URL …
let data: Data
if access(url.path, R_OK) == 0 {
    data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
} else {
    data = Data()

The access system call never triggers a sandbox violation report. If the App Sandbox blocks access to url, this code will not fail, not generate a sandbox violation report, and set data to empty.

IMPORTANT Preflighting file system calls is racy and, in the worse case, can result in TOCTTOU vulnerabilities. Avoid writing code like this.

Debugging problems like this can be tricky.

Viewing Sandbox Violation Reports