Xcode debugging breakpoints only show stack trace without corresponding line.

I use xcode to debug a simple source code and set up a breakpoint.But when I reach break point,I see only stacktrace.I cannot see the correspond line to the breakline.which make me very difficult to debug my code.

What appears in Xcode's editor instead of your source code?

If you see a bunch of assembly language code in Xcode's editor, look for a function you wrote in the stack trace and click that function. Xcode should take you to that function in your code.

If that does not help, you have to provide more details on what you are doing, such as the following:

  • The version of Xcode you are using
  • The type of Xcode project you created
  • What kind of breakpoints you set: line, symbolic, or exception.
Xcode debugging breakpoints only show stack trace without corresponding line.