iOS 17 Beta Breaks activityBackgroundTint(_:) on Live Activities

There's an issue in the iOS 17 beta where passing nil to activityBackgroundTint(_:) does not use the system's default background material as expected. Instead, it's showing a solid black color instead of the correct tint that matches the rest of the system in iOS 16.

What should I do? Six days ago, I submitted both feedback in Feedback Assistant as well as a Technical Support Incident (TSI), but I haven't received a reply to either.

Have you solved it? I have the same problem

Same here. Hope some one can solve this. 🙏

Same issue here on the release candidate

Same issue here on the release candidate. Blake, have you heard back on your TSI?

Just as a quick follow up, I was able to get transparency to match the system by doing


However, it's still stuck in dark mode

Yeah I had to just default to dark mode too, which is a shame, but at least we have our transparency back

The Environment(\.colorScheme) is broken. Always in dark mode.



work for me

iOS 17.1 beta 2/3 has actually made this problem worse.

@Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme

Always returns light mode. Attempting to use

UIColor { traitCollection in
    traitCollection == .light ? .white : .black

is again always white. Color(uiColor: UIColor.systemBackground) is also always white. So everything adapts properly until you actually try to write code to modify it. I can't figure out anyway to make the background transparent without it getting stuck in light mode. .clear as the color works in dark mode, but makes the text illegible in light mode.

any solution?

I also had problem making this work, even colorsScheme enviroment didn't work. Now I found out that it works but only of Live activity view is in separate variable.

If everything is defined right inside Widget it desn't seems to work:

struct MyLiveActivity: Widget {
    var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
        ActivityConfiguration(for: MyActivityAttributes.self) { context in
            @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced
            @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
            VStack {
                Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // always default values (false, light)
            .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // always white
        } dynamicIsland: { context in
            DynamicIsland {

When it is in separate view, enviroments are working as intended:

struct MyLiveActivity: Widget {
    var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
        ActivityConfiguration(for: MyActivityAttributes.self) { context in
            MyActivityLiveView(context: context)
            @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced
            @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
            VStack {
                Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // always default values (false, light)
            .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // always white
        } dynamicIsland: { context in
            DynamicIsland {
struct MyActivityLiveView: View {
    @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced
    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
    var context: ActivityViewContext<VirtualTableActivityAttributes>

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // actual values (true, dark)
        .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // colors are changeing, when changing from light to dark mode

.activityBackgroundTint(nil) still unfortunately make it only white and black but now you can you can at least customise it.

This is closest I got to match notification background / ios 16 default:

.activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? Color(Color.systemBackground.resolve(in: environment)).opacity(0.43) : Color(Color.systemBackground.resolve(in: environment)).opacity(0.43))

Color.systemBackground is just an UIColor:

extension Color {     
    // MARK: - Background Colors
    static let systemBackground = Color(UIColor.systemBackground)

This Color extension is from this answer:

iOS 17 Beta Breaks activityBackgroundTint(_:) on Live Activities