Metal Debugger error.

Hi, i am developing a Metal renderer the Metal debbuger gives me an error when i try to debug a Fragment Shader. This is happening since i updated to sonoma and Xcode 15, before everything was working fine.

Also i want to mention that i have tried the Apples DeferredLightning demo project and it gives the same error so its not my projects fault.

Device: MacbookPro 16 2019 5300M MacOs: 14.0 Xcode: 15.0

Error: Unable to create shader debug session Thread data is corrupt

GPUDebugger error - 15A240c - DYPShaderDebuggerDataErrorDomain (2): Thread data is corrupt

=== GPUDebugger Item === API Call: 16 [drawIndexedPrimitives:Triangle indexCount:26652 indexType:UInt32 indexBuffer:MDL_OBJ-Indices indexBufferOffset:0] Resource: fragment_main

Hello. Unfortunately, this is a known issue on AMD GPUs when using Shader debugger. We are investigating, but in the meantime, you could try running your app on the Intel GPU and using the Shader Debugger there. If any other problems pop up, you could file a Feedback Assistant or reply in this post.

Metal Debugger error.