xcresult diagnostic content not visible in Xcode 15

Our CI pipeline produces .xcresult bundles that allow developers to diagnose failures by opening them in Xcode. If the test crashes, we used to be able to open the diagnostic folders and inspect the raw test logs. As of Xcode 15, that option is no longer available. I know the Diagnostic data is there because I can view it with Xcode 14. Am I just missing something in the Xcode 15 UI? Or has the capability to browse the Diagnostics actually been removed?

Same issue here. I submitted a feedback FB13615178.

I submitted a feedback about the missing Xcode option: FB13615178.

On Xcode 15 Reveal Diagnostics in Finder context menu is gone, which seems VERY ODD. In the meantime, you can use xcresulttool.

Get the object graph to get the IDs for the objects you want to export.

xcrun xcresulttool graph --path YourResult.xcresult/ > graph.log

Search for StandardOutputAndStandardError to see where it is in the graph. Get its ID and export it:

xcrun xcresulttool export \
--type directory \
--path YourResult.xcresult/ \
--output-path ./Output \
--id <ID-HERE>

I believe we can put together a script to automatically extract the logs on a CI environment - this our current goal.

thanks to @henrique’s comment I couldn’t resist putting a script together for this: https://github.com/ChrisMash/XCResultExtractor

the only change I had to make was to use file as the type instead of directory

xcresult diagnostic content not visible in Xcode 15