Applescript not triggered by mail rule


I tried posting about my issue on the macscripter forum, but haven't receieved any love there so I thought I would try giving it a go here. I'm trying to help automate my wife's business which uses mac and am having difficulty getting an applescript to trigger by mail rule. I am not an apple guy and myself use linux, so maybe i am overlooking something basic that I need to enable?

I gave the full disk access in the security panel. If I set a rule, like to move a message to another mail folder it executes without problems. However, I can't get any applescripts to run triggered by mail rule, even something very writing to the display or logging an event. I looked through the console and saw no error messages or any evidence even that the applescript tried to run. We are running the latest mac sonoma. I asked chatgpt for help trying to debug what was wrong but it ran out of suggestions for me as well. This problem is driving me crazy, I can't understand how a nice new mac computer I bought for my wife's business is failing at the most basic task... arrrgh. Any help greatly appreciated!!!

i called apple support and they were of no help. switched to thunderbird. problem solved

Applescript not triggered by mail rule