WKWebView cannot load non-app-bound domains

WKWebView question...I've set up WKAppBoundDomains and am using limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains to enable evaluateJavaScript, Service Workers, etc.

That's all working great.

However, I'm no longer to able to load a WKWebView with any domain that is not one of the app-bound domains. For these other webviews, I don't need any of the special restricted APIs. I just want them to load and do basic website stuff.

My impression from the docs is that this should be fine. Does it require explicitly setting config.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = false?

Unfortunately I can't do that in all cases; some of the WKWebViews are created by external libraries where I can't edit the WKWebViewConfiguration

Is there another step I need to take? Or, maybe something with a ContentWorld?

For anyone else who comes across this in the future...

Once you upgrade some of your WKWebViews by using WKAppBoundDomains, other domains are downgraded and lose features.

A good example is evaluateJavaScript. It works in any WKWebView by default. But as soon as you create a WKAppBoundDomains array in your Info.plist, the default changes and becomes more strict.

Now, using evaluateJavaScript has two requirements: the domain of the WKWebView must be in the app-bound domains array and WKWebViewConfiguration.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains must be true. If a WKWebView tries to use evaluateJavaScript but does not meet both of those requirements, it will fail loading.

WKWebView cannot load non-app-bound domains