Cannot got notifications from testflight apps for App Store Server Notifications

when I use java program to make a Notification Test Request, my server can receive that request correctly。

But when I use the app downloaded from testflight, and finish a purchase, my server cannot got that request。

Anything I have missed ?

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 778583022

Is the purchase for a subscription or for some other type of in-app purchase? The only notification you would receive on a purchase would be SUBSCRIBED for a subscription.

Accepted Answer

Is the purchase for a subscription or for some other type of in-app purchase? The only notification you would receive on a purchase would be SUBSCRIBED for a subscription.

I tried both "Non-renewing subscriptions" and "Consumable" purchase。According to what you say,Consumable purchases don't trigger notifications。How about the "Non-renewing subscriptions"

I got it . Thank you!

Cannot got notifications from testflight apps for App Store Server Notifications