Recognize Objects (Humans) with Apple Vision Pro Simulator

As the title already suggests, is it possible with the current Apple Vision Simulator to recognize objects/humans, like it is currently possible on the iPhone. I am not even sure, if we have an api for accessing the cameras of the Vision Pro?

My goal is, to recognize for example a human and add to this object an 3D object, for example a hat. Can this be done?

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 781897022

To protect user privacy there is no way to directly access camera data. View the Apple Vision Privacy Overview for more details. You can recognize and track images using ImageTrackingProvider, however body tracking is not possible. Here's a list of other supported ARKit data providers. Please file an enhancement request for providers you'd like support for via Feedback Assistant.

To protect user privacy there is no way to directly access camera data. View the Apple Vision Privacy Overview for more details. You can recognize and track images using ImageTrackingProvider, however body tracking is not possible. Here's a list of other supported ARKit data providers. Please file an enhancement request for providers you'd like support for via Feedback Assistant.

Recognize Objects (Humans) with Apple Vision Pro Simulator