Copy all Photos and Videos in a folder created after a certain date to a new folder

Hello - I have a lot of photos and videos that end up in my downloads folder from amusement park photographers and rides. The problem is that when I go to download a recent trip the amusement park website downloads everything all over again, and creates a lot of folder and files in a random sequence. So I have to go through each folder and find the "new" files that I want to add to the Photos app.

Could you please help me write a script that would search through the entire downloads folder, and copy all of the files that are of photo or video type, created on or after a specified date, into a new folder within the downloads folder? This is effectively just eliminating the subfolders that the website download process created.

From there I would go to the newly created folder and sort by created date to obtain the new photos I want to add to the Photos app.

Copy all Photos and Videos in a folder created after a certain date to a new folder