Post iOS 17.4 eSIM in-app configuration

Hello everyone!

Since iOS 17.4, it's now easier to set up an eSIM from a browser/email or with a link. We can now longpress the QR code to get the option to add an eSIM. Is it still required to have that private entitlement to enable the same functionality in-app but not in a browser? Seems odd. I can store QR codes on Imgur to install eSIM but can't do the same with my native app by CTCellularPlanProvisioning.addPlan method. Redirecting users to the browser seems like a workaround, but it creates a noticeable discrepancy in usability.

I might have overlooked some SDK updates or new methods. Are there any new approaches to enable in-app eSIM setup with the latest update?

Secondly, in the "Other eSIM activation methods" section of this page, a special link is mentioned, but I couldn't find any examples or resources for that.


Post iOS 17.4 eSIM in-app configuration