StoreKit StoreView restore purchase listener

I use StoreKit's StoreView to buy in-app purchases. The purchase is working in the simulator, but how can I restore purchases? I did not find a restore handler, there is only a onInAppPurchaseCompletion but I'm missing a onRestorePurchaseCompletion or similar.

This is how it looks

This is my code:

  StoreView(ids: [""])
   .storeButton(.visible, for: .restorePurchases)
   .storeButton(.hidden, for: .cancellation)
   .onInAppPurchaseCompletion { product, result in
    if case .success(.success(let transaction)) = result {
       print("Purchased successfully: \(transaction.signedDate)")
       isPremium = true
    } else {
       print("Something went wrong")
Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 783347022

When you use StoreKit 2 with StoreView, there's normally no need for existing customers to manually restore purchases. You can choose to make the "restore purchases" button visible for rare cases where a customer doesn't have access to an in-app purchase product they believe they should have access to.

I think the closest API to what you are requesting is currentEntitlementTask(for:priority:action:), which we also cover in the "Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI" session around the 16:40 timestamp.

The API I shared makes it easy to add a dependency on the current entitlement to any SwiftUI view that depends on someone owning your in-app purchase. You can also check this in imperative code using an API like currentEntitlement on Product. In either case, the API should have accurate information as soon as you call it without requiring your customers to manually use a restore button. If a customer activates the "restore purchases" button in your store view, and a missing transaction is restored (this is rare), all of the StoreKit 2 transaction APIs, including the two I mentioned, will be updated.

Accepted Answer

When you use StoreKit 2 with StoreView, there's normally no need for existing customers to manually restore purchases. You can choose to make the "restore purchases" button visible for rare cases where a customer doesn't have access to an in-app purchase product they believe they should have access to.

I think the closest API to what you are requesting is currentEntitlementTask(for:priority:action:), which we also cover in the "Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI" session around the 16:40 timestamp.

The API I shared makes it easy to add a dependency on the current entitlement to any SwiftUI view that depends on someone owning your in-app purchase. You can also check this in imperative code using an API like currentEntitlement on Product. In either case, the API should have accurate information as soon as you call it without requiring your customers to manually use a restore button. If a customer activates the "restore purchases" button in your store view, and a missing transaction is restored (this is rare), all of the StoreKit 2 transaction APIs, including the two I mentioned, will be updated.

StoreKit StoreView restore purchase listener