macOS app with associated domains feature - not launching after deployment on other machines.


I have added associated domains support for our desktop app and it works fine on my machine. But when I deploy it on other machines, it is not launching.

It throws ‘The application “<app name>“ can’t be opened” message. It works fine when I install provisioning profile on those machines.

Xcode is not allowing me to code sign the app manually as part of build process. Till now we were **** the same for other apps.

Associated domain need a provisioning profile and I have created one distribution profile and code signed it. Now it works fine only on my machine and not working on other machines. It works only on other machines if I install provisioning profile.

What should be the issue? How do I work this macOS app on other machines without installing provisioning profile?

macOS app with associated domains feature - not launching after deployment on other machines.