Sign In with Apple no longer returning email/name for new registrations

We’re experiencing an issue with Apple SSO/OAuth that has started happening recently (first encountered about a week ago, but we’re not sure if that’s actually the first instance). When a NEW registration is received (including when a user unlinks their “login with apple” from their settings), we’re not getting the email or fullName despite our scopes including them. When we try with a brand new iCloud account that we know hasn’t been used on our service, we get the email but still no name.

Has something changed recently in how we should be retrieving this data? We’re working with firebase and react-native, and it’s happening on both web and native.

There’s nothing that’s changed auth-wise on our end. We did migrate subdomains but we updated them in the services section for private relay.

Sign In with Apple no longer returning email/name for new registrations