Ambiguous "#locationUpdater received unhandled message" error from CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates()

I’m working on updating one of my apps to the asynchronous location updates API, but have been running into an unhelpful error.

Here's my code:

class CurrentLocation: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
	private(set) var location: CLLocation?
	private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()
	override init() {
		self.locationManager.delegate = self
		self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyReduced

	func requestLocation() async throws {
		print("requesting location")
		for try await update in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() {
			self.location = update.location
			if update.isStationary {

But after calling requestLocation(), I receive the following error in the console without any location updates:

{"msg":"#locationUpdater received unhandled message", "Message":kCLConnectionMessageCompensatedLocation, "self":"0x600002eaa600"}

Googling this error yields absolutely no matches. I’ve ensured that I have the necessary Info.plist entries (as the old, synchronous location update code I have is also working without issues). I’d be grateful for any assistance!

Ambiguous "#locationUpdater received unhandled message" error from CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates()