System Wide Audio Modifications | Feedback


So recently I've been itching to get some actual work done and create something that is genuinely useful to me. Mainly, I want to practice my skills and hopefully build up some new ones.

My concept/idea is to create something that resembles spatial audio ( or spatialized stereo ), but on steroids for macOS. I want to create something that has much more customizability, but also ease of use. I'd like to make use of the power in products like AirPods Pro and create a more immersive audio experience. However, before I make any serious plans, I'd like to ask for some feedback, really just to consider the feasibility of something like this. I throughly enjoy a rich audio experience, but I feel the experience as is on macOS is quite lackluster, especially compared to iOS with system wide spatialized stereo already available.

I would genuinely appreciate any feedback or support that could be given on this project. Thank you for your time.

I also apologize if this is the wrong usage of this forum/support.

System Wide Audio Modifications | Feedback