How to save stories

I am currently writing an app that is about writing stories. As of now, it is fairly simple: ContentView is your "Collection" of stories. PopupView is when you click on a button in ContentView. In popup view you enter the story title. Once you do that, you are brought to a blank page which is StoryView, where the NavigationTitle is what your story title is. Once I finish the story and leave the page / StoryView, it is still there, but once I close the app on my phone and reopen it, the story is gone and is not saved. I am a relatively new developer, so ive been relying on ChatGPT and Google Gemini for the saving parts of this, but it rarely works, and the furthest ive gotten with it is that it saves the story title but doesn't save the content of the story. I have a feeling that the AI is overdoing it as well.

If anyone could help, please do so. Ive been trying to fix this for days. If you need me to provide any code, I am happy to do so.

[Edited by Moderator]

How to save stories