Unable to load MKMapView from AppKit bundle in Catalyst app

I am trying to load an auxiliary window from an AppKit bundle that loads a NSViewController from a storyboard. This NSViewController displays a MKMapView.

I want to avoid supporting multiple windows from my Catalyst app so I do not want to load this window via a SceneDelegate, and that is why I have chosen to go the AppKit bundle route.

If I load a similar view controller which contains a single label, then all works as expected.

However, if I try to load a view controller with the MKMapView, I get the following error after crashing:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MKMapView nsli_piercingToken]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x15410f600'

DropBox link to sample app with buttons on a view to select either the "Map View" (crashing) or the "Label View" (working):


Answered by DTS Engineer in 788995022

Are you able to reproduce the exception in any form without the bridge to AppKit? You need to reconsider that approach — such bridging is unsupported and stated as such by the documentation:

Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can only use AppKit APIs marked as available in Mac Catalyst, such as NSToolbar and NSTouchBar. Mac Catalyst doesn’t support accessing unavailable AppKit APIs.

This seems to be related to layout constraints on the map view in the storyboard. If I remove the layout constraints on the map view, then I get a different error:

-[MKMapView _recursiveClearViewWillDidDisappearOnMoveToWindow]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x12b92dc00

Are you able to reproduce the exception in any form without the bridge to AppKit? You need to reconsider that approach — such bridging is unsupported and stated as such by the documentation:

Mac apps built with Mac Catalyst can only use AppKit APIs marked as available in Mac Catalyst, such as NSToolbar and NSTouchBar. Mac Catalyst doesn’t support accessing unavailable AppKit APIs.

Unable to load MKMapView from AppKit bundle in Catalyst app