Leaks tool from cmd line doesn't work at all

Leaks issue

Hello everyone. I was using command line leaks tool with my C programms and everything worked well till the very last update. It justy stopped working after latest Sonoma update. Terminal and iTerm has it's permissions to access to the filesystem:

But it seems it's not enough: it still gives me issue either when I'm trying to call system leaks from function

void	ft_leaks(void)
	system("leaks -q <progname>");

After a few tries I decided to find out what's going on and included this statement

void	ft_leaks(void)
	int	result;

	result = system("leaks -q ./cub3D");
	if (result != 0) 
		printf(RED"Error: system command failed with code %d\n"RST, result);

The output received was:

Error: system command failed with code 9

I was trying to swith off the SIP, but didn't work.

What the issue can it be?

Many thx in advance for a constructive response🤠

The issue looks like this. Command line gives me segmentation fault everytime I want to access to the leaks function.

Leaks tool from cmd line doesn't work at all