Testing on Vision Pro without direct connection from Mac

New to Apple development. Vision Pro is the reason I got a developer license and am learning XCode, SwiftUI ....

The Vision Pro tutorials seem to use WIFI or the developer strap to connect the Development environment to the Vision Pro. I have the developer strap, but can't use it on my company computer. I have been learning using the developer tools, but I can't test the apps on my personal Vision Pro.

Is there a way to generate an app file on the Mac Book that I can download to the Vision Pro? This would be a file that I could transfer to cloud storage and download using Safari to the Vision Pro.

I will eventually get a Vision Pro at work, but till then I want to start developing.

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 787831022

I think TestFlight might fit your needs. This tool is great for sharing builds with other team members and external testers, but you can use this to install to your devices without requiring a connection to your Mac. This sounds like the best bet if security policies prevent you from building directly to your device, although it is not as quick as building to the simulator or directly to device.

So lemme see if I understand this correctly:

  • You have a Vision Pro.

  • And you have a Mac.

  • But your work’s security policies prevent you from connecting the two, either wired or wirelessly.

  • Thus you can just open Xcode and choose Build > Run.

  • So you’re looking for some alternative means to install a development build of your app on to your Vision Pro.

Is that correct?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Yes that seems correct. Until I can get a Vision Pro at work, I am limited to developing with the XCode simulator. I want to build with xcode and then install the build on my personal Vision Pro. I cannot connect any personal devices to a work device. I can transfer files with something like google drive or one drive.

Accepted Answer

I think TestFlight might fit your needs. This tool is great for sharing builds with other team members and external testers, but you can use this to install to your devices without requiring a connection to your Mac. This sounds like the best bet if security policies prevent you from building directly to your device, although it is not as quick as building to the simulator or directly to device.

I thought this might be the only way to do this. I can test with the simulator. A bit of a pain to use TestFlight, but it should work. I was hoping for something easier.

Testing on Vision Pro without direct connection from Mac