App Store Server API

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Call this REST API from your server to request and provide information about your customers' in-app purchases.

Posts under App Store Server API tag

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How can I get list of all in-app user subscription data for an app on apple store
Is there a Apple store API that can list all the in-app subscriptions (active, expired, cancelled, charged-back etc) for an app? I can see a developer API listed here - using which I can only retrieve data for a single user. I am not looking for purchases by a single user but as an finance admin I want a list of all subscription purchases (active, expired, cancelled, charged-back) for a time period range that I pass as input parameters so I can generate accrued/deferred revenue report for my company. Is there a way? Please assist.
Feb ’24
How to decode signedTransactionInfo after GET request?
Hello! Please let me know after I make a request for purchase information GET I receive encrypted information in this format { "signedTransactionInfo":"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***5UmhIRkQvM21lb3locG12T3dnUFVuUFdUeG5TNGF0K3FJeFVDTUcxbWloREsxQ" } Please tell me how I can decode the information signedTransactionInfo ? and what is needed for this? (I'm trying to decode on Node.js)
Feb ’24
Receipt Verification 21004 code for Consumable Item on Production
Hello, One of our customer's purchases of IAP consumable product have issue on its receipt verification. Verification via "" returns {"environment": "Production", "status": 21004}. He purchased 3 consumable items and only verification of 3rd purchase successfully got verified. All of other purchases in our app before and after had no problem with same secret, same server. I once heard 21004 is for auto renewable subscription, not for consumable. Can it be returned for consumable purchase? Is there any other known issue for receipt verification? We have no change of code, server, secret at that time and all other verification succeeded but two failed. Thanks in advance. Regards,
Feb ’24
'availableInAllTerritories' is not an attribute on the resource 'inAppPurchases'
I'm using the API to update and create in-app purchases. Up until now, the endpoint would allow me to set the availableInAllTerritories attribute to true, but as of this week the API is returning this error: ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.UNKNOWN - 'availableInAllTerritories' is not an attribute on the resource 'inAppPurchases' It appears availableInAllTerritories has been removed from the class definition, but not the sample code. The 3.2 release notes state that the enum "is no longer available for pricing related endpoints", but this isn't a pricing endpoint. Anyone else having this issue? I guess the only workaround would be to send a separate request to the inAppPurchaseAvailabilities endpoint.
Feb ’24
Can't find consumable in-app purchases by using "get transaction history" API
We are trying to upgrade our server API from verifyReceipt to new app store server API. According to apple API document (, Get Transaction History API returns consumable in-app purchases if the app hasn’t finished processing the transaction. However, we cannot find any consumable purchases in the response even if we request the API before client finish the transaction. At the same time (before client finish the transaction), verifyReceipt API returns the consumable purchases. We check the API parameter and test it in both production environment and sandbox environment, but the problem still exists. Anyone has some idea? Thanks in advance!
Feb ’24
How can i use Apple Store Connect API
I intend to use Apple Store Connect API for making & updating OFFER CODES in my subscription. I have created the GET requests needed using an API Key I have generated but the POST requests are not going through and getting an error in the process. This is the API that I am trying to hit using the POST request but the process is not going through for some reason.
Feb ’24
Subscription status mismatch
Hi, some day ago I got these webhook events for a subscription: 2024-01-06 10:40:47 SUBSCRIBED subtype INITIAL_BUY 2024-01-20 03:02:29 DID_RENEW subtype BILLING_RECOVERY 2024-01-20 03:52:08 DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS subtype AUTO_RENEW_DISABLED 2024-01-20 10:41:03 DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW (no subtype was received) When I get the subscription status form appstore server API, status is 1 (active). We don't have grace period enabled in our app. I'm not sure how to interpret this result; from our perspective we should remove access to the user.
Jan ’24
App store server API request to get a user's Auto-renewel-sub and non-consumable purchases in one request.
I have an app in which there are two different subscription groups and One non-consumable product. User can have two(2) subscriptions and one non-consumable purchase [total three purchases] at a time. All three have different "originalTransactionIdentifier". How can i get user's purchase History in ONE App store server API request?
Jan ’24
Receiving the same original transactional ID for two different subscriptions has occurred.
User purchased the initial subscription and transmitted the relevant data to our server, where the receipt is stored for subscription validation. As per the documentation, the "Original Transaction Identifier" is expected to be unique across all receipts in a chain of renewals for an auto-renewable subscription. Specifically, for subscription "S1," all auto-renewed receipts consistently share the same original transaction ID. However, following several auto-renewals of the first subscription (User 1), information from Apple's response revealed details about a second subscription (S2), and remarkably, the second subscription (User 2) has the same original transaction ID as the first one. Is there a potential connection with Apple's test environment? We currently lack any information or clues regarding the differentiation of accounts. Webhook Request from App Store (iOS Payment Notification) For Subscription (S1) - For User 1 { "id": "***", "auto_renew_adam_id": "***", "auto_renew_product_id": "com.globalmed.loveeveryday.monthlysub", "auto_renew_status": "true", "unified_receipt": { "id": "", "environment": "", "latest_receipt": "", "latest_receipt_info": [ { "id": "***", "expires_date": "2024-01-19 05:47:24Etc\/GMT", "expires_date_ms": "1705686444000", "expires_date_pst": "***", "in_app_ownership_type": "***", "is_in_intro_offer_period": "***", "is_trial_period": "true", "is_upgraded": "false", "offer_code_ref_name": "", "original_purchase_date": "2023-05-19 03:54:26Etc\/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "", "original_purchase_date_pst": "", "original_transaction_id": "580000785864406", "promotional_offer_id": "", "product_id": "com.globalmed.loveeveryday.monthlysub", "purchase_date": "2023-11-19 04:54:20Etc\/GMT", "purchase_date_ms": "1700412860000", "purchase_date_pst": "", "quantity": "", "subscription_group_identifier": "", "transaction_id": "580001118634891", "web_order_line_item_id": "" }], } } For Subscription (S2) for For User 2 { "id": "***", "auto_renew_adam_id": "***", "auto_renew_product_id": "com.globalmed.loveeveryday.monthlysub", "auto_renew_status": "true", "unified_receipt": { "id": "", "environment": "", "latest_receipt": "", "latest_receipt_info": [ { "id": "***", "expires_date": "2024-02-19 05:47:24Etc\/GMT", "expires_date_ms": "1708364844000", "expires_date_pst": "***", "in_app_ownership_type": "***", "is_in_intro_offer_period": "***", "is_trial_period": "true", "is_upgraded": "false", "offer_code_ref_name": "", "original_purchase_date": "2024-01-08 04:37:02Etc\/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1704731822996", "original_purchase_date_pst": "", "original_transaction_id": "580000785864406", "promotional_offer_id": "", "product_id": "com.globalmed.loveeveryday.monthlysub", "purchase_date": "2024-01-19 05:47:24Etc\/GMT", "purchase_date_ms": "1705686444000" , "purchase_date_pst": "", "quantity": "", "subscription_group_identifier": "", "transaction_id": "580001139103833", "web_order_line_item_id": "" }], } }
Jan ’24
CONSUMPTION_REQUEST x3 after success PUT (202) responses
I don't often get CONSUMPTION_REQUEST or indeed REFUND but when I do I receive the same CONSUMPTION_REQUEST 3 times, 8 hours apart, before I do get the REFUND notification several hours after the 3rd and final CONSUMPTION_REQUEST. The response I get from the PUT of /inApps/v1/transactions/consumption/{transactionId} is 202 so I can only assume it was accepted and good. Is the fact I received it 3 times an indication that it was poorly formatted or incorrect somehow? Is there anyway to test the consumption PUT? I've yet to see an in-app consumable that I received a CONSUMPTION_REQUEST for, that was 100% consumed, and wasn't REFUND_DECLINED. They have all been refunded to date. This makes me suspicious that I'm doing something wrong even though all the information I'm getting says otherwise?
Jan ’24
can i confirm an in-app purchase on server?
first, i am new with apple in-app purchase. in-app purchase step (is this right?): front processing in-app purchase. front send receipt data to validate on server (server get transaction to check it) confirm purchase to apple the 3rd step i know that front can confirm the purchase. my question: from the the 3rd step, can server confirm it after validated? if it can, how do i imprement it?
Jan ’24
Allow other 3rd party apps to provide subscription options to my application - Apple compliance
Hello, I want to provide in- app subscription option for my application services inside other apps. Is this possible? Does Apple in app subscription guidelines allow this? Reading the guidelines this use case is not clear. UseCase: I am embedding the services that my app provides inside other 3rd party apps (embed my application Framework/library within the other application) but want to provide in-app subscription option to use services provided by my library. Users can purchase this service by subscribing to monthly subscription option using Apple in-app subscription. Because there are multiple other 3rd party applications that will include my library and since these 3rd party applications in some cases are not from the same developer account I do not want to use individual in-app subscription for each application. Instead, I am looking for a way to create in-app subscription from my main application and provide the same purchase option within all other 3rd party apps that embed my application library. Can this be done? Does Apple in-app subscription allow this use case?
Jan ’24
Unable to Retrieve Valid Transaction Id with App Store Server API
Hello. Currently, I am testing for the transition to the App Store Server API(v1/transactions/{transactionId}) as the verifyReceipt API we are utilizing has become deprecated. API currently in use: API planned to switch to: I am doing the testing in the sandbox, but I cannot acquire a valid transaction_id with the App Store Server API. Below, I am detailing what I conducted. 1.I call the verifyReceipt API and receive a response. ※Here's a part of the response. The product_id is a dummy. "latest_receipt_info": [ { "quantity": "1", "product_id": "dummy_product_id", "transaction_id": "2000000497573524", "original_transaction_id": "2000000293926363", "purchase_date": "2024-01-11 03:06:43 Etc/GMT", "purchase_date_ms": "1704942403000", "purchase_date_pst": "2024-01-10 19:06:43 America/Los_Angeles", "original_purchase_date": "2023-03-10 04:11:01 Etc/GMT", "original_purchase_date_ms": "1678421461000", "original_purchase_date_pst": "2023-03-09 20:11:01 America/Los_Angeles", "expires_date": "2024-01-11 03:11:43 Etc/GMT", "expires_date_ms": "1704942703000", "expires_date_pst": "2024-01-10 19:11:43 America/Los_Angeles", "web_order_line_item_id": "2000000047921358", "is_trial_period": "false", "is_in_intro_offer_period": "false", "in_app_ownership_type": "PURCHASED", "subscription_group_identifier": "20230239" } ], 2.I call the App Store Server API. Request used with transaction_id: Request used with original_transaction_id: 3.I receive an error stating the transaction id cannot be found. Response: 404 Not Found: "{"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}" Additionally, as I found similar questions, I also tried shifting the numbers of the transaction_id and original_transaction_id when calling the App Store Server API. However, this did not resolve the error I received. In this case, what should I do with the transactionId to get the Transaction information? I would appreciate it if anyone who knows can enlighten me. Thank you in advance.
Jan ’24
How to migration from Original StoreKit to StoreKit2
Hello. I have a question about migrating from Original StoreKit to StoreKit2. In my app, there are two in-app purchase products implemented using Original StoreKit: Product A and Product B. For each product, there are separate backend servers, and due to certain reasons, we need to migrate one of those servers to use the AppStore Server API instead of the VerifyReceipt API. During this migration, the iOS app needs to have code that combines both Original StoreKit and StoreKit2 for each product. I heard that combining StoreKit2 with the VerifyReceipt API is not recommended. To avoid doing so, I believe the implementation would look like the below. Is this approach problematic? Is it not recommended by Apple? If anyone has successfully implemented a similar migration and has insights, I would appreciate hearing about it. Code implemented using Original StoreKit SKPaymentQueue.default().add(payment) func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions.filter({ $0.payment.productIdentifier.hasPrefix("...Original StoreKit product only...")}) { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchasing: break case .deferred: print(Messages.deferred) case .purchased: handlePurchased(transaction) // send base64 encoded receipt file. case .failed: handleFailed(transaction) case .restored: handleRestored(transaction) @unknown default: fatalError(Messages.unknownPaymentTransaction) } } } Code implemented using StoreKit2 let result: Product.PurchaseResult = try await product.purchase() switch result { case .success(let verification): let transaction = try checkVerified(verification) // send transaction id // ... await transaction.finish() case .pending: break case .userCancelled: break @unknown default: break } func observeTransactions() -> Task<Void, Error> { return Task(priority: .background) { for await result in Transaction.unfinished { do { let transaction = try self.checkVerified(result) guard transaction.productID.hasPrefix("... StoreKit2 product only...") else { return } // send transaction id // ... await transaction.finish() } catch { // ... } } } }
Dec ’23
How to Integrate an External Marketplace Link into My iOS App?
Hi! I have an iOS app which I want to publish to the App Store. Within my app, users can scan physical item bar codes in grocery stores and earn points for their scans. They are then re-directed to a marketplace on the web, where they can spend these points on physical items (e.g. clothes). Does App Store block such external linking to marketplace? Thank you in advance!
Dec ’23
How to check if the refund for consumable IAP for apple is refunded fully or partially and its amount?
We want to know whether the refund requested by the user for the consumable IAP of Apple is refunded fully or partially. I can get the revocation date on when the refund was processed but I also want to know whether the user got a refund fully or partially and its amount as well if possible. we tried to get transaction info and also the refund history of App Store Server API but we are only getting the revocation date and revocation reason we also want to know if the refund was processed as fully or partially and how much money did the user got back on refund successful. Also checked the webhook data we get for REFUND notificationType, we don't get back any field that helps us identify whether refund was full or partial and its amount as well.
Dec ’23