Disable eye tracking on onContinuousHover or UIHoverGestureRecognizer?

It seems like eye tracking comes into conflict with pointing devices and the cursor will jump to where the user looks at, which makes trackpad control very janky.

Is there a way to filter eye tracking and just enable pointing devices?

Apple folks: FB13708422

It would really be nice to disable eye tracking for the hover gesture so it can behave like it does on iPadOS.

Actually, I think I found the issue.

After some further investigation, it seems the issue occurs when UIPointerStyle.hidden() is used:

func pointerInteraction(_ interaction: UIPointerInteraction, styleFor region: UIPointerRegion) -> UIPointerStyle? {
        return UIPointerStyle.hidden()

Using UIPointerStyle.system() instead prevents the cursor from jumping.

Apple folks: FB13709727

Disable eye tracking on onContinuousHover or UIHoverGestureRecognizer?