Feedback Assistant

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Use Feedback Assistant to report issues and give suggestions about using Apple software and developing for Apple platforms.

Posts under Feedback Assistant tag

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Since the last beta update my Iphone 14 is not reconizing CarPlay
Ever since I received the latest Beta update I have not been able to use CarPlay via a cord to my car (I've tried multiple cords with the same result). It has been working as expected since I bought the car a few years ago. I've tried multiple other Apple phones and they have no issue, so I know it's not my car's software. I have called apple support and they gave me instructions on how to uninstall the Beta software, which has also not been successful. I entered a ticket for this issue on April 22nd, but haven't heard anything back. Anyone have suggestions on how I can get my CarPlay to work? or how to uninstall successfully from the Beta ios?
macbook software update failing and i am going insane
Hi,for the past 2 days i ve been going crazy over this problem i am having with my mackbook air, i recntly got a 2019 13 inch model and i basically factory reset it wyping the disk and reinstalling os,it booted in mac os mohave 10.14.6 and ive been trying evr since to update it to sonoma but each time the download is doneand it says the mac is about to reboot to install it screen may turn off up to a min it does not ,it just goes black for a second and then boots back into mojave without even a failed to install promt,it just acts like nothing happened and then ask to install it again. At this point i ve checke for evrything, i dont have antivirus or storage problems since essentially it s a blank mackbook without any apps ,i tried to install a combo update after realising that i have a security update for 10.14.6 that does almost the same thing but this time i do get a promt that an error occured and it sends me to disk startup to boot it again but it didnt work,i tried updating to a previous version like big sur hoping it was too big of a leap and that even tho evrywere i checked it said its compatible maybe it was not but nope exact same thing as sonoma i cnt boot it from a usb cuz i only have usb c ports(idiotic design from apple) i dont know what else to do it seems like no one had on the entire the same prob so i am here after the 12 th try hoping somebody has a fix.
XCode Cloud xcodebuild archive timeout
For some time now XCode Cloud build keep failing with: The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes. This happens specifically on Asset catalogs processing. In my case the app has like 8K images, with most of them tagged via Apple's ODR system so only the assets user needs are loaded, but the associated build step still takes a lot of time, usually 90+ minutes. It was fine before the timeout got implemented. Is there any whay to raise the timeout for a specific project? As it stands now the XCode Cloud is useless for this project as it can't do what it was intended for.
Apr ’24
Enrollment Termination and Refund Issue
Dear Apple Developer Community, I am writing to urgently address the termination of my program enrollment and the failure to receive a refund. Despite enrolling in the Apple Developer Program with anticipation, my enrollment was abruptly terminated without explanation. Despite multiple attempts to seek clarification, I have received no response regarding the reason for the termination. This lack of communication is deeply concerning and frustrating. Furthermore, I have yet to receive a refund for the fees paid upon enrollment. As a developer, I value transparent and equitable transactions, yet the current situation falls short of these standards. I request immediate assistance in resolving this matter. Specifically, I seek clarification on the grounds for the termination of my enrollment and prompt initiation of the refund process for the fees paid. Thank you for your urgent attention to this issue. Sincerely, Srivarshith Daladuli.
Apr ’24
Sonoma CPU panic
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff017a8bf60): x86 CPU CATERR detected Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0xff OS release type: User OS version: 21P3049 macOS version: 23D60 Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 23.3.0: Wed Dec 20 22:31:16 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.81.5~10/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010 KernelCache UUID: 5055C553638BB2B9A72F9B074650402D Kernel UUID: 98C51133-18A2-37CC-8054-0C2A5A0CC992 Boot session UUID: 10AF6C85-ABD5-4EFC-B894-FCA5526A15B3 iBoot version: iBoot-10151.81.1 secure boot?: YES roots installed: 0 x86 EFI Boot State: 0xd x86 System State: 0x0 x86 Power State: 0x0 x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x5 x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x10001000100 PCIeUp link state: 0x89473614 macOS kernel slide: 0xa400000 Paniclog version: 14 Kernel slide: 0x0000000011820000 Kernel text base: 0xfffffff018824000 mach_absolute_time: 0x11dabe93a329 Epoch Time: sec usec Boot : 0x65fa28af 0x00067d4f Sleep : 0x660be300 0x0005f658 Wake : 0x660be3c7 0x000e9358 Calendar: 0x660e9064 0x000acc96 Zone info: Zone map: 0xffffffddcf6fc000 - 0xffffffe3cf6fc000 . VM : 0xffffffddcf6fc000 - 0xffffffdeb5d60000 . RO : 0xffffffdeb5d60000 - 0xffffffdf02a2c000 . GEN0 : 0xffffffdf02a2c000 - 0xffffffdfe9090000 . GEN1 : 0xffffffdfe9090000 - 0xffffffe0cf6f4000 . GEN2 : 0xffffffe0cf6f4000 - 0xffffffe1b5d5c000 . GEN3 : 0xffffffe1b5d5c000 - 0xffffffe29c3c4000 . DATA : 0xffffffe29c3c4000 - 0xffffffe3cf6fc000 Metadata: 0xffffffe3d570c000 - 0xffffffe3d6f0c000 Bitmaps : 0xffffffe3d6f0c000 - 0xffffffe3d702c000 Extra : 0 - 0 TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xffffffdfe92a24e0 0: 0x0000000000000001 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 } CORE 0: PC=0xfffffff018a4f008, LR=0xfffffff018a4f008, FP=0xffffffeff4337ef0 CORE 1 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details. Compressor Info: 3% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 1% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space Panicked task 0xffffffe29c34b8c0: 0 pages, 227 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Panicked thread: 0xffffffdfe92a24e0, backtrace: 0xffffffeff437f6a0, tid: 406893 lr: 0xfffffff018a1ea90 fp: 0xffffffeff437f710 lr: 0xfffffff018b4d6f4 fp: 0xffffffeff437f780 lr: 0xfffffff018b4c728 fp: 0xffffffeff437f8a0 lr: 0xfffffff0189e1630 fp: 0xffffffeff437f8b0 lr: 0xfffffff018a1e4cc fp: 0xffffffeff437fc60 lr: 0xfffffff01909d030 fp: 0xffffffeff437fc80 lr: 0xfffffff017a8bf60 fp: 0xffffffeff437fcb0 lr: 0xfffffff017a72f40 fp: 0xffffffeff437fd10 lr: 0xfffffff017a79908 fp: 0xffffffeff437fd60 lr: 0xfffffff017a73978 fp: 0xffffffeff437fe00 lr: 0xfffffff017a727d0 fp: 0xffffffeff437fe30 lr: 0xfffffff018a74034 fp: 0xffffffeff437ff20 lr: 0xfffffff0189ec6c4 fp: 0x0000000000000000
Apr ’24
SwiftUI & iOS 17: Large title scroll behaviour broken when presented as sheet
I noticed an issue with the large title scrolling behaviour when presenting a sheet containing some ScrollView (for example Form or a plain ScrollView) on iOS 17.x. To share and demonstrate this issue I prepared some sample code: And to be honest I am not sure if this issue is already known.
Mar ’24
Bug Reporting: How and Why?
I file a lot of bug reports. I also ask a lot of third-party developers to file bug reports about problems they see. This post is my attempt at collecting together some hints and tips about Apple’s bug reporting process. To file a bug report, use Feedback Assistant. To file an enhancement request, use Feedback Assistant. In the “What type of issue are you reporting?” popup, choose Suggestion. If you’re filing a bug against an API, choose Developer Technologies & SDKs at the top level. The technologies popup should then list familiar items, from Accelerate Framework to XPC. If you can’t find the correct item, select “Something else not on this list”. Feedback Assistant is both a website and an app. For details on how to access the app, see Opening the app on the Developer > Bug Reporting page. For lots of great hints and tips about filing bugs, see File effective bug reports. I may repeat some of the info covered by that article, but only where I think it’s particularly important. After filing a bug report, please include the bug number in your DevForums post. Feedback Assistant shows the bug number in both the bug list and the bug detail view. Bug numbers start with FB and continue with a sequence of digits. For example, a recent bug report posted here on DevForums was FB11357055. Including the FB prefix avoids any confusion as to what type of bug number this is. Occasionally you’ll see other types of bug numbers. In release notes they are just in parens, so (99071807), and in DTS documents they have an r. prefix, so (r. 99071807). These are Radar numbers. Radar is the internal bug system here at Apple. Other developers can’t see your bug report. However, posting the bug number is still important for a couple of reasons: It allows Apple folks to quickly track down your issue. If another developer wants to file a related bug, they can reference your bug number in their bug report. You can share bug reports with other members of your team. For details on how to do that, see Collaborating with your team on the Developer > Bug Reporting page. Otherwise you can’t see a bug report filed by another developer, or one filed internally at Apple. One option here is to file your own bug and request that it be marked as a duplicate of the original bug. You’ll then be notified when the original bug is closed. The File effective bug reports article discusses the importance of including a sysdiagnose log with your bug report. I have a few additional tips: Include a sysdiagnose log from the machine that’s having the problem. Sometimes I see folks with an iOS problem include a sysdiagnose log for their development Mac )-: Include a sysdiagnose log even if you attach a test project that reproduces the problem. The contents of the log help with screening, making sure that your bug gets to the right person quickly. And that person will be very grateful to have your test project! If multiple machines are involved — for example, you’re reporting a Handoff problem — include a sysdiagnose log from each machine. Trigger the sysdiagnose log as soon as possible after you see the problem. The sooner you trigger the log, the more likely it is to capture relevant info. If the problem is hard to reproduce, see Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem for hints on how to capture an actionable sysdiagnose log. If you install a debug profile, install it before you reproduce the problem. These profiles typically enable more logging, and you want that logging to be active at the time of the problem. Most profiles activate immediately but some require that you restart. Follow the instructions that came with the profile. When reproducing the problem, make a rough note of the time and include that in your bug report. This doesn’t have to be super precise. Just note down the time, with seconds, shortly after you reproduce the problem. If the bug involves a crash, reproduce the crash outside of Xcode and then take your sysdiagnose log. This means running your code as the user would, so running an app from the Finder on macOS, running an app from the Home screen on iOS, and so on. If you reproduce the crash inside Xcode, the Xcode debugger catches the crash and prevents the system from generating a crash report to include in the sysdiagnose log. File focused bug reports. Imagine you’re seeing two problems, A and B, related to the same API. Don’t file a single bug that covers both A and B. Rather, file separate bugs for A and B. Feel free to reference your A bug in your B bug, and vice versa. Finally, some personal notes: DevForums is not an official support channel. Mentioning a problem here is not the same as filing a bug about it. That’s true even if you’re discussing your issue with an Apple person. Apple is a big company, and it’s very unlikely that the person you’re talking to is directly responsible for fixing your bug. Historically I used to post a lot of Radar links, of the forms rdar:nnn, where nnn includes the bug number. I no longer use these links because I’ve found that they confuses folks. They click the link and wonder why it does nothing. If you post an FB number here, DevForums automatically turns it into a link. However, that link is only useful to you. Other folks can’t access the bug via that link. I’ve filed a bug against DevForums requesting that it only generate this link for the bug’s originator (r. 92946014). In the meantime, I work around this by putting FB numbers in code style, which disables this link generation. If you want to share bug information outside of DevForums, one popular option is Open Radar ( Apple uses a lot of open source and many open source projects maintain their own bug tracker. Two big examples are Swift and WebKit. If your bug originates in such an open source project, consider filing it in the project’s bug tracker. You can then go on to submit a pull request with the fix (-: Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2024-03-07 Made minor editorial changes. 2023-10-26 Added a link to Using a Sysdiagnose Log to Debug a Hard-to-Reproduce Problem. Added a recommendation to file focused bug reports. 2023-06-28 Updated the advice on how to file an API-level bug based on recent changes to Feedback Assistant. Corrected some link titles. 2023-03-21 Added a bunch of bullets to the personal notes section. 2023-03-13 Extended the discussion of seeing other folks’ bugs to make it clear that you can’t see bugs filed internally at Apple. 2022-12-13 Added advice about the “Something else not on this list” option. 2022-09-01 Added a personal notes section at the end. Added a new bullet in the sysdiagnose section about running your app outside of Xcode. Made other minor editorial changes. 2022-08-29 Added a note about filing duplicate bugs. 2022-08-24 First posted.
Mar ’24
iPhone first? Or iMac first? Feedback Assistant is Broken Again (GRRR!!) and I have to reset my iCloud Pwd - which device should I change it on first? iPhone first? Or iMac first?
iPhone first? Or iMac first? Feedback Assistant is Broken Again (GRRR!!) and I have to reset my iCloud Pwd - which device should I change it on first? iPhone first? Or iMac first? Feedback Assistant is Broken Again (GRRR!!) and I have to reset my iCloud Pwd - which device should I change it on first? This is the question that led me to start this thread: Why is Apple forcing me to change my Appl… - Apple Community Apple is not 'forcing' me to, of course - although I have no choice - I can only recommend to everyone that they AVOID FEEDBACK ASSISTANT LIKE THE PLAGUE until some hack can be found to delete the utterly useless thing: every time I try to sign into it, it forces me to reset my pwd - and then refuses to recognise the freshly minted pwd - and I ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE I have done this enough times to be certain that it is a Feedback Assistant fault - and a huge one - I'm on Sonoma 14.4 Public Beta. So, having done this utterly unnecessary dance at least fifteen times over the past couple of weeks, and been caught in #AnotherAppleGotcha time and time again (for example, reset pwd on iMac, then sign out of iCloud on iPhone, only to have my exact (copied and pasted) fresh pwd rejected by iPhone), I really would like to know the correct order to do this in - please, please, I'm on my knees here! Perhaps it would be easier to erase the hard disks on all my devices, reload from Time Machine or something - or start with a fresh, ****** Apple ID, and get the Geniuses at the Bar to transfer all my licenses . . . Only joking - but, come on Apple, you can do better than this! And, just by the by, why does the Apple Community website, when asking me to choose which of my (fifteen) Apple devices, offer me first on the list, three MICROSOFT PCs as possible subjects of this problem??? !!!! So - I've reset the pwd on the iMac - all cool after an NVRAM reset and a bit of grunting - but I now have an iPhone which is signed in on the old pwd - and I have updated the OS with an out-of-date pwd - should I sign out and sign in again? (Which, by the way, triggered mayhem last time I tried it) or just wait until some crucial moment like checking in at an airline terminal, only to find I'm locked out of my entire system again? Nobody knows. There's nothing - I've even search the smelliest corners of the DarkWeb - nothing at all . . .
Mar ’24
Payment problem & For 4 months the Apple Payment team has not responded to emails
Hello everyone For a year now my partner and I have been having problems receiving payment from Apple. For a whole year we have been writing letters to the mail and not getting a constructive and clear answer. For the last 4 months we have stopped receiving any answers at all. Can you tell me who has had problems with Apple ignoring our letters? What to do in such a case
Feb ’24
Buy iPhone big mistake
Excuse my English. In Greece where I live the apple service is terrible and you can't find a solution. After using android for 15+ years I decided to switch to iphone (iOS) and got the shock of my life. The obvious settings that exist on android on iOS do not exist. For example I have a lot of trouble with the keyboard keys, because it has small keys, I almost can't type text. The settings from "Accessibility" (I'm considered rather handicapped) to enlarge text (I don't know if it also enlarges the keyboard) spoil texts in apps e.g. in X). Also in Greek it doesn't give the possibility to change the layout and I am forced to use Google's gboard or Microsoft's SwiftKey. Also in Adobe Acrobat the list of files in the cloud is flickering. ...and the service for printing Incredibly stupid problems!
Feb ’24
My experience with Technical Support - Total Disappointment
Recently, our team bumped into a crash that we cannot resolve. We looked for help everywhere. I asked people here on forums, team asked about 10 fellow developers and the question on SO was created. Nobody knows the reason for the crash, nobody can find a workaround. So, as the last resort, I called for Apple Technical Support (aka code-level support). I assumed that people there understand how things work under the hood. Considering that this service is limited (2 TSI per year, otherwise paid), I expected the quality to be high. In fact, it didn't help us to resolve the problem, and I was disappointed how irrelevant the provided support could be. TLDR: The dev didn't even open the test project! I described the memory crash with WidgetKit-based complication. I spend my time capturing video, finding watch logs on my iPhone and creating a sample project. I attached console output, stack traces and a couple of screenshots. I even provided a .watchface file, so they can reproduce the configuration. This together took about 6-8 hours of work. I explained what happens in detail: steps to reproduce, what I've tried. I asked the support to recommend me way to present only the specified complications. Then I submitted the issue and started to wait. It took them 1 week to responsd. I pointed my sight on the email with excitement, expecting to finally get the resolution. But what I found there was disappointing. The software engineer, Rico, quoted only a couple of sentences from my list. His letter contained only 4 lines of text (not including greetings and cheers). In the first line he recommended to use preprocessor macro to enable only necessary complications, which is nonsense. Of course we need to change complications dynamically, when the user selects them. I two next lines he recommends to use if statement in WidgetBundle to dynamically unlock the complications. I already knew that it isn't possible. Because, quote: "if statements in a WidgetBundleBuilder can only be used with #available clauses" @available(*, unavailable, message: "if statements in a WidgetBundleBuilder can only be used with #available clauses") public static func buildOptional<W>(_ widget: W?) where W : Widget The last line cancelled everything before, Rico said that this can't be done at runtime. Probably, he added that after reading the documentation, but forgot to edit his previous statements. I didn't give up completely. I decided to skip the design discussions and get the info that Rico could probably have, due to his access to the software. Why the extension using so much memory? I also asked him, if he was able to build the project and reproduce the bug. Another week passed. I'm sending a follow-up message. That worked, after another 3 days I got the response: Finally some useful information! Timeline and views are being archived to disk (all simultaneously), that's why the memory usage is so high. Basically, a widget design issue. But anyway, we have what we have. Then next line, he has written this: "Complications are deprecated". What? But wait, he thinks that we use ClockKit, and recommends migrating to WidgetKit. So Rico completely forgot that we discussed WidgetBundle and SwiftUI before 🤡 He honestly tells me that he didn't open the project. Why? Because "Complications are unlikely to be supported", he says. So he "forgot" WidgetKit on intention, this gave him an excuse to ignore the sample project. My time was invested for nothing! I believe there's no need in further conversation with Rico. I will provide the detailed feedback to the Apple. And I'm posting it publicly to make sure that Rico gets the attention he deserves. If you want to know more technical details about the issue, you can check the following links:
Feb ’24
Interoperability requests in the EU
There are several questions regaring the following guide about Interoperability requests in the EU. Will other developers be able to use all the APIs that have been created? For non-EU applications? If it's a private API, would there be a list of all the APIs that have been implemented to see who has which one? Will there be a difference in priority between feature requests submitted through Feedback Assistant and interoperability requests?
Feb ’24