Nearby Interaction

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Locate and interact with nearby devices using distance, direction, and identifier.

Posts under Nearby Interaction tag

29 Posts
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Phone overheats all the time
My phone all the time always randomly overheats, when i am hiking or taking a walk. i have already reset it multiple times or switch it to air plane mode, but it doesn’t do anything. so i am asking out for help. here is a link to a log file of some regular daily use:
Jul ’23
UWB Interoperability Specification
May I ask where I can find this document: the UWB Interoperability Specification, Developer Preview, Release 1? This document is a comment I saw in Qorvo's project. I need to understand the specific meaning of the data sent to the iPhone by embedded devices in the Nearby Interaction Access Protocol. I am developing an application based on Qorvo's dwm3000, so I need to understand this aspect. Thank you for any response!
Jul ’23
Session immediately invalidated when using BLE background mode
Hello everyone, I have encountered an error when trying to enable BLE background mode of the third-party NI example application. I have done that by replacing the configuration = try NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration(data: configData) with configuration = try NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration(accessoryData: configData, bluetoothPeerIdentifier: peerIdentifier) I have additionally expanded the List.plist with Required background modes: App communicates using CoreBluetooth Or rather, central-bluetooth When starting the session, iPhone 12+ Pro Max (iOS 16+) device immediately calls invalidateSession with the error invalidSession. configData is identical for both cases, and implementation on peripheral device has not been changed. Important thing to note here is that for the non-background mode, third-party accessory and iPhone device are able to range just fine. Do you have any recommendations or advice how we can try to solve this, or what might be an issue? Thank you in advance, Aleksa and OBLO Living development team.
Jul ’23
NI session keep timeout when apps running in background
Hi All I can run the nearby interaction even the apps is in background, while there is a distance information in the accessory side, the apps invoke delegate function "didRemove nearbyObject" with timeout periodically. is there any way to disable the timeout when it is running in background? Or anything I did wrong so that the session keep timeout while there is distance measurement in accessory side, please anyone help. Thanks in advance
Jul ’23
Please enable background UWB via other data channel
The requirement to have an active Bluetooth connection for UWB readings confuses me. Bluetooth is so slow in connecting. Mostly. when I walk passed my accessory, I have already passed my UWB accessory range effect (switch on an led) without getting a UWB reading. I have no problem to pair the accessory to my phone. But please give us UWB background readings without connecting via Bluetooth. Thank you, Robin
Jun ’23