How to get Xcode for Mac to use it on Mavericks?

I need to install XCode on Mavericks. What is the last version of XCode that is supported on Maverics and how do I get it? Current version of XCode requires Yosemite and unfortunately don't whant upgrade to it with my iMac for now ?
Which version, additional files do I have to download.
By the way, I'm not a pro.

Answered by Max108 in 32543022

You can install up to Xcode 6.2 on Mavericks provided the version is at least 10.9.4

If it's less than 10.9.4 then you need Xcode 5.1.1

You can download Xcode 6.2 direct from

And Xcode 5.1.1 direct from

(Both links are from here:

You don't need any additional files - anything else needed will prompt you for permission to install.

Accepted Answer

You can install up to Xcode 6.2 on Mavericks provided the version is at least 10.9.4

If it's less than 10.9.4 then you need Xcode 5.1.1

You can download Xcode 6.2 direct from

And Xcode 5.1.1 direct from

(Both links are from here:

You don't need any additional files - anything else needed will prompt you for permission to install.

Le lien n'est plus valide...

5 ans après, pas une surprise.

Ici, toutes les versions de XCode:

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In Case Any Body Gets To This Thread, Here IOs A Good Site To Download ANY Xcode

How to get Xcode for Mac to use it on Mavericks?