Tax Agreements - Multiple Clients / Apps in My Name?

Hey everyone,

I've taken on a few iOS contracts for different clients, all of which will be requiring InApp Purchases. I have a personal developer liscence.

All of the clients would like the app to be in my name, have the income come into my bank account, then transfer them the proceeds. I'm a Canadian resident and I'm getting ready to submit the tax forms, but I'm worried that all of this extra income in my name could pose a problem.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can you suggest some best practices for me?


Did you pay for a full license (the Apple Developer Program membership) or did you just become a registered developer? Apple recommends in the documentation that you work under your client's developer teams instead of creating your own. About the tax thing, I should think that as long as you can provide contracts and other documentation to prove you're not breaking laws, you'll be fine (but double-check the Canadian tax laws to be sure).

But it would be way simpler for you if you could convince your clients to sell the apps in their own name. It would be more work for them, but then you won't have to keep track of all that money and all those apps. Maybe they'll like the prospect of keeping the keys (pun intended) themselves.

Taxes get messy, I think when you profit split, as you pay it, then you need to try to recoup, then try to log that on both sides as not-an-expense, etc...

Best to have individual accounts, I think. But better yet, talk to your tax people, not strangers on the 'net 😉

@flash1821, it's 7 years since you 1st posted your question, and I'm in the same situation (I'm even Canadian) with the same question. Did you discover the best practice for this circumstance ? If so can you share ?

The "best practice" is NOT to have your clients share your developer account. They should have their own accounts with Apple, and make you a member of their "team".

Tax Agreements - Multiple Clients / Apps in My Name?