NLEmbedding not found after updating to iOS 14.4

When I try to get the sentence embedding with NLEmbedding.sentenceEmbedding(for: .english), I get nil returned and the message in the console is:
"Unable to locate Asset for contextual word embedding model for local en."
I've also tried different languages and also NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english) doesn't work.

This only occurs on my iPhone X after updating to iOS 14.4. Before it worked fine. It also works on the Simulator on iOS 14.4.

Did somebody face a similar problem? Or does somebody know how to force iOS to download these embeddings again?

Happened again in iOS 15 beta 1. FB9179349

I had the same issue last month and it works now. But it only works for English. When I tried Chinese and a few other languages, they still return nil.

My current issue with English is that when I tried to run below code, it returns __C.NLEmbedding.vector(for: Swift.String) -> Swift.Optional<Swift.Array<Swift.Double>>

import NaturalLanguage

let embedding = NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english)

let vector = embedding?.vector(for: "dog") ?? []

//__C.NLEmbedding.vector(for: Swift.String) -> Swift.Optional<Swift.Array<Swift.Double>>

This seems to also happen in iOS 17 beta 5, but only for sentenceEmbedding, not wordEmbedding.

Did you find a fix for this? Facing the exact issue with iOS 17.2, wordEmbedding works but sentenceEmbedding doesn't

NLEmbedding not found after updating to iOS 14.4