Apple lightning to HDMI cable accessory isn’t recognized on IOS 16 Beta

If you use the Apple lightning to HDMI cable accessory, it isn’t recognized if you download the new IOS 16 Beta. Does anyone have any solutions or work arounds for this issue?

Same issue here, occasionally get the accessory firmware update required message, but no firmware is downloaded.

Yep, me too!

Just updated to Beta 3 and hdmi is still broken don’t even get a message about firmware needing to be updated.

Beta 3, still broken

Yep same problem

Still broken with ios16.0. Cant use it

So this is a known issue since beta and it has not been addressed even now that the actual release has came out?

16.0.2 -i am having the same issue. I was having the issue with 15.7 and tech support told me to upgrade 16. I told them I had a feeling that was only going to make it worse. Well, it did. Every time I reach out to tech support they brush me off. I’m so frustrated! I live in an area with no WiFi access and this is the only way we can watch tv! I have a toddler. Do you know how it feels to see your child’s face light up and to see them dance with excitement to watch a show and then their disappointment when it never works? I’m so over this!

Broken on iPhone with iOS 16.0.2 (occational picture, but no sound).

Same accessory works on iPad with iPadOS 15.7

Same issue here. My iPhone streamed fine through the lightning adapter until I downloaded 16 and it has completely ruined the functionality.

Same issue here. Netflix is iffy. Hulu and discovery+ show video but no sound. HBO max shows nothing. I got a new phone, new lighting adapter, and new hdmi cable. Nothing stopped working until i installed 16.0.2.

Just updated to 16.0.2 and same issue occurred. Took adaptor to work to update but still no luck. Only got different "Error" messages. Was able to get to work if turned on airplane mode and restarted Netflix in airplane mode. Then video and audio came back.

Same issue here. Doesn't work at all on my iphone 12 with ios16.01 or 16.02. Works perfectly fine on my wife's same exact phone but she's on ios15 still. Very frustrating.

It’s really sad that we pay all this money for apple products and have these issues. I have iPad, iPhone ,Apple Watch, beats earphones, hdmi adapter. I have all these because nothing works with apple but apple. Since I’ve updated I cannot watch tv. They need to come up with a solution fast or I’m selling all this apple stuff and never coming back. I never had issues like this with android.

I have a iPhone 13 Pro and since upgrading to iOS 16 none of my steaming services work right. I called support and they tried to blame it on hardware but I’m using all new hardware made by apple. The only steaming service that I have found to work is AppleTV+. I’m truck driver that relies on this when I park. If there is no solution by the end of the month I’ll be switching to android!

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

I had the same problem, I solved it by restoring the original iPhone settings and the audio problems were solved by uninstalling and reinstalling the apps

The adapter lightning-jack is also dosen’t work. Please do something with it. We can’t record with microports. This is out job our live.

Found a solution. If you download the Apple TV app to your device, you can connect all the streaming services. They can then play through the Apple TV app directly. 👍

Hey Apple! Either give us back the $60 bucks we spent on your product or fixed the damn firmware issue!

Here’s the workaround: Download the shows/movies you want watch while on your network or WiFi, then go to Airplane Mode to watch. I’ve successfully used this for Apple TV and Netflix.

Same here with 16.2

I guess I waited long enough; after a few minutes of not working, I restarted my phone it it STILL didn't work, but I left it connected and after a few minutes it suddenly showed up. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I agree/ Second the comment above! I spent good money on these products and a big portion of it was so that I can show movies in class to my students. This issue needs to get fixed!!!

on iOS 16.6., it doesn't work either.

TO FIX: plug BOTH the charger and HDMI cable to Lightning adaptor.

Once the HDMI cable is working, you can unplug the charger. I think the reason is that Apple reduced the power supply to the ports (including USBC on MacBook/MacBookPro) to save the battery.

Steve Jobs would not be happy.

Apple lightning to HDMI cable accessory isn’t recognized on IOS 16 Beta