[iOS 16 Leak?]


For apps built with xcode 13 but ran on ios 16 beta devices, im seeing a potential leak in Combine that i suspect may be causing a breaking bug(the view fails to load anything on subsequent visits after being dismissed, which im suspecting is due to the leaked observable object) . The issue is resolved when built with Xcode 14 Beta, no bug and no leak

I am triggering a flow multiple times and seeing the instances of an @ObservableObject used as a @StateObject in a view keep going up in the memory debugger, without the corresponding view leaking to accompany it like ive seen before. so the observable object is being leaked

I see the following in the memory graph debugger. It indicates a BoxVTable relation to the observable datastore, which i presume is an internal type i dont have access to, when the view has disappeared

Any Ideas? ive checked all the typical closure leak possibilities ive fixed before and this seems to be different

I saw the same behavior on my side. Any news about this? Could you solve it?

[iOS 16 Leak?]