is VisionOS supported on Xcode14.3.1 or just Xcode15 for now?

noob to apple software development here and i need to get some questions sorted before i can try to begin developing apps for visionOS

  1. I dont own a mac so the only way i can run XCode is through a MacOS 13.0 VM with a windows 10 host but that does not support XCode 15. Can XCode 14.3.1 do?

  2. Apple says the sdk will be relased later this month. Does that maen by installing the sdk I can develop visionOS apps on other platforms like Visual Studio code and still see how the app would look like running on the vision pro?

Thanks a lot i just need to find a way to start coding asap

It will be Xcode 15 only once the SDK is available later this month. I doubt any other tools will be supported for quite some time. If those tools are producing iOS or iPadOS apps you MAY be able to load them into a device or simulator, but not clear how that would be done, and they would just run in a window, no access to Vision OS features (I assume).

is VisionOS supported on Xcode14.3.1 or just Xcode15 for now?