Apple ID - Problem with Security Key -

We registered Certified Fido2 devices in Apple ID as security keys, registration performed without any problem. First logs in logs out iterations worked also without problem. Then after a while, one of the key started to be rejected, with the attached screenshot., with "failed to verify security key" and "error description not available". The second identical key still function correctly. We were unable to reproduce the problem on demand, the problem simply just seem to appear randomely. Although the second Fido2 device still works, there is a therotical possibility to be locked out of the account. The only difference we could identify with other Fido2 devices is that is prioritise ECC algorithm (-7) compared to other Fido2 devices that priorise RSA (-257) If ECC is not supported, then it should reject the Fido2 device at registration. How to properly contact Apple to solve this relatively serious issue ?

In addition to the above strange behavior, If the problematic Fido2 device is used to log in using Windows 11 & Chrome, it works perfectly

Can you please file this through Feedback Assistant? Capturing a screen recording then starting a Feedback will let us look at the logs and investigate what might be happening. Also if you're able, it would be helpful to include the Apple ID, the type of security key you're using, and any other information you think might be relevant :)

Apple ID - Problem with Security Key -