Cannot get eSim implementation although followed everything also getting false for supportsEmbeddedSIM and supportsCellularPlan

Hi Everyone, I have enabled eSIM entitlements to check eSIM, but I am always getting false for supportsCellularPlan and supportsEmbeddedSIM although my device having the esim feature. I followed each step from this stack overflow answer

Can anyone help me out here? below is the code I used:-

    private let provisioning = CTCellularPlanProvisioning() 

       let ctpr = CTCellularPlanProvisioningRequest()
        ctpr.address = "address$"
        ctpr.matchingID = "string$"

        let supportsESIM = provisioning.supportsCellularPlan()
        if #available(iOS 12.0, *) {
               let ctcp =  CTCellularPlanProvisioning()
               ctcp.addPlan(with: ctpr) { (result) in
                   switch result {
                   case .unknown:
                       print("Sorry unknown error")
                   case .fail:
                       print("Oops! something went wrong")
                   case .success:
                       print("Yay! eSIM installed successfully")
                   @unknown default:
                       print("Oops! something went wrong")


this is the entitlements SS

this is the info.plist SS

Any news. Facing similar problem.

Hopefully you were able to already get things working, but in case anyone else happens upon the thread and runs into similar issues, there were a couple of things in Info.plist that might have been contributing to the issue you were seeing and that other folks might also run into...

It looks like you were using +63 for your country code and 0908 for your carrier code, but those would be for E.164 purposes. For the iOS Carrier Descriptors, you'll need your PLMN/IMSI identifiers, instead. If I'm interpreting +63 0908 correctly, you should, instead, be 515 for your MCC and 03 for your MNC.

You also may need a public-cellular-plan string in your CommCenter.fine-grained array.

Cannot get eSim implementation although followed everything also getting false for supportsEmbeddedSIM and supportsCellularPlan