"outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" state of this flag always remains one (not zero) even when the playback is successful

Our initial understanding was that this event is fired only when the DRM blocks the video playback. However, in the present case we see that it is called even when playback is successful(playback with external screen connected).

To assess whether playback remains functional when the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event is triggered, we conducted two specific scenario tests: 1) playing an asset without any DRM restrictions, and 2) playing an asset with DRM restrictions.


In our analysis, we have identified that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' flag always remains set to one, even when playback is successful. However, it is expected to be set to zero when the playback is successful.

working case log when playback is successful:

default 13:23:19.096682+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281284930> change kind = { kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; }

non working case log when playback came as black screen:

default 13:45:21.356857+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281c071e0> change kind = {kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; }

We searched through related documents and conducted a Google search, but we couldn't find any information or references related to this behavior of the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event. It would be really appreciated if any one can help us with this!

"outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" state of this flag always remains one (not zero) even when the playback is successful