Asset validation failed. Invalid MinimumOSVersion. The value for the Info.plist key MinimumOSVersion could not be parsed.

Hi everyone,

I am having this error while trying to upload my iOS App with XCode.

Can someone help me? Why this kind of error if I can Build/Run and also Export the .IPA with Xcode and certificate but not upload?

Here is the error:

Here is my Info-PROD.plist that is watched by XCode (because it change the App Name and the bundle identifier):

I have try replace the MinimumOSVersion to LSMinimumSystemVersion and got more erros...

Can someone help?

Xcode 14.1 (14B47b)

In situations like this I recommend that you create a new test project from the most appropriate built-in template — in this case that’d likely be iOS > App — and look at how Xcode set things up by default. I did that here in my office and this is what I saw:


This was with Xcode 15.0, after changing the project’s iOS Deployment Target to 16.0. This is certainly what App Store Connect is looking for.

Note that I’m looking at the built binary here, not the Info.plist in the source code because it’s the built binary that matters when it comes to App Store Connect validation.

Try this:

  1. In Xcode organiser, select the archive that’s failing.

  2. Control click on it and choose Show in Finder.

  3. Navigate into the Xcode archive and select your app.

  4. Control click on it and choose Show Package Contents.

  5. Navigate to your Info.plist.

  6. Open that in a text editor.

What do you see?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Same issue, with Xcode 14.1, My Info.plist shows :

<key>MinimumOSVersion</key> <string>14.0</string>

Asset validation failed. Invalid MinimumOSVersion. The value for the Info.plist key MinimumOSVersion could not be parsed.