Build RichTextEditor with Native Apple Framework


I new in the Apple Development world using Apple Frameworks. I already got familiar with SwiftUI and I can handle the Swift programming language. However, I need some guidance about what approach I should take to develop a Rich Text Editor for a personal App. I am working on. I could build the Editor using any HTML & any JS Editor Framework like EditorJS. But I prefer to take the native Apple approach, if there is one framework that I can easily use to implement the following capabilities:

Text Styling -. Present a paragraph, titles, and subtitle headers with a predefined font size and styles. -. Bulleted and numbered lists

  • Indenting and out-denting of text

Formatting -. Predefined Bold, italic, underline, code, strikethrough, sub- and super-scripting

Embedding -. Images --> Framework ? -. Iframes --> Framework ? -. Videos --> Framework ? -. Audio --> Framework ? -. Tables and Predefined tables --> Framework ? -. Links -. Drawing canvas with Ipad Pencil --> PencilKit -. PDF view and reviews. --> pdfKit. -. Math formulas. --> Framework ? -. Diagram and flow chart editing --> Framework ?

Any recommendation about what framework to use will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You could take a look at this rather ancient sample code:, then see what has been deprecated and/or replaced since

Note that TextEdit performance is not great with large or complex files, and I have no idea if the currently-shipping TextEdit is still based on the code published in the link above or has been substantially updated.

If you want to look at newer code, try searching GitHub for "swift rich text".

Build RichTextEditor with Native Apple Framework