PushKit: XPC PushKit connection invalidated from client


Some of my iOS test devices do not receive PushKit notification anymore. I request and receive a VoIP token at app startup, then register it. I report any incoming PushKit notification directly to CallKit on the same thread.

But some devices do not receive the PushKit/VoIP notification (app in foregroud or in background). They used to. Some other devices are receiving it with the same code, for a successful call.

I tried reinstall and device restart with no success.

I can see on the problematic devices at app startup in the console:

callservicesd	XPC PushKit connection invalidated from client <private>

before seing:

callservicesd	Registering client process <private> with bundle identifier <private> for PushKit voip in environment <private>

I could not find anything on "PushKit connection invalidated from client", anyone knows what triggers it?


PushKit: XPC PushKit connection invalidated from client