Unreal Engine 4.27 VR Game on VisionOS

Hello everyone!

I'm completely new to Apple. So my Situation is the following: In the company I work we have a Virtual Reality Educational Game made in Unreal Engine 4.27. Now with the release of the Apple Vision Pro we plan on making our game available on VisionOS, but like I said, we're kinda new to the Apple Enviroment and I already encountered some Problems with Building Unreal Engine 4.27 on XCode 15.2, which is a requirement for VisionOS if I understand correctly.

So what I wanted to ask is, if anyone has some experiences with porting an Unreal Engine Game into VisionOS already, what's the best guideline to accomplish that everything works out correctly. Maybe some access to a Tutorial or Guide, etc.

Our progress is the following: I'm using a MacBook Pro with Sonoma 14.2.1 with Xcode 15.2. I was following this Guide to setup Unreal Engine on the Mac: https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/downloading-unreal-engine-source-code/

The first problem I encountered was some weird Errors when building the ShaderCompileWorker. Errors like "variable 'x' set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]" and "use of bitwise '&' with boolean operands [-Werror,-Wbitwise-instead-of-logical]

I know the reason why those errors are happening but I didn't want to reassamble the whole Unreal Engine Code so I was looking for a general solution but the only thing I found was People reverting to XCode 13.4.1, which is not possible when I want to use VisionOS I believe.

So now I'm thinking if a Unreal Engine 4.27 Game Port to VisionOS is a reasonable thing to do, or if it's just hardly possible to do. I would like to have some more insight about that topic, before putting a lot of work and resources into that task, only to realize that it maybe won't work at the end.

I'd appreciate any kind of advice or help on that topic, just to have a better view on the whole issue - like I said, we're new to Apple :)

Thanks a lot in advance!

I would also love an answer to this question!

As someone whose academic advisor and contract holder also want to explore VisionOS, I'm replying to this thread to get an update myself. I spent a good bit of time this morning looking for a support email for the VisionPro, but Apple's click-through support UI doesn't have the VisionPro as one of its recognized devices yet.

Sorry for the late response. We're basically aborting the mission for now to get our Unreal Engine Game on the VisionOS. I'm explaining this from my memory so there might be mistakes: The reason was that it seems Xcode 15, which is necessary for AppleOS/Apple Vision Pro is not yet compatible with any Unreal Engine Version, I think it's planned for the 5.4 release, but information on it is kinda sparce. Since we're still using Unreal Engine 4.27 and the fact that Apple has a Partnership with Unity, it could make things more difficult to get proper support for Unreal Engine.

Hi there. Apple Vision Pro is now (recently!) a valid build target for Unreal Engine - but you're going to want to use 5.4 from source and there are a few gotchas you'll have to mind. This quickstart guide should get you most of the way there - just remember to build 5.4 from source (which isn't documented in the guide):


Unreal Engine 4.27 VR Game on VisionOS