Cleaner app to save your disk space for any Apple platform developer

Hi there!

During last time we (me and my friend) were building an app to clean various stuff after Xcode. I was fed up as a developer that Apple related things load my drive and need hundreds of gigabytes just to do my job.

Brief feature list:

  • Simulators cleanup. It's a correct cleanup via 'simctl' so you even don't need to restart Xcode for it to take effect
  • SPM repos cache. Swift PM stores github repos for packages separately and never removes them unless you ask it via cli.
  • Derived Data, a first thing you try to fix weird Xcode linking issue :)

Some features currently in development:

  • Desktop widget, so you can delete derived data with a single mouse click
  • Support for more package managers like CocoaPods; they also have substantial caches that appear to be ignored

We're currently in public beta, and we'd love your feedback and feature requests. Get the latest build on TestFlight: We also have a separate GitHub repo (we're developers, right?) to track issues and feature requests: