Importing USDZ into Reality Composer Pro doesn't include textures

I'm trying to import the USDZ file of a model with multiple textures attached to each part of the model. When I preview the file by double-clicking on the USDZ, it views fine. However, when I import it into Reality Composer Pro, it only shows the pink striped model. I also get the message - "Multiple root level objects exist for HU_EVO_SPY-8.usdc". There are so many components of the model that binding each texture to each component will be very difficult to do manually.

How can I fix the file such that when I import to Reality Composer Pro, textures are attached to the model?

It sounds like your asset was generated from a DCC that is putting your materials outside of the default prim in USD. This is why you're getting the "Multiple root level objects" warning.

As the warning says, USD will only reference in the default prim, causing your material linkage to break. In your DCC, you need to make sure your materials are exported under the root.

Without knowing how you made these assets, it is hard to give concrete advice though. If you are using Blender, there is an option to set the root prim while exporting. If you set this to /root it will put all the exported prims under one, and fix the issue you're being warned about in your images. This will become the default behaviour in Blender 4.1 onwards

Importing USDZ into Reality Composer Pro doesn't include textures