QUIC receive get NWProtocolMetadata for all involved protocols

I working on a QUIC Client/Server and would like to inspect all underlying protocols via NWConnection.ContextContent in the receive method.

receiveMessage(completion: {(receivedContent, context, isComplete, receivedError)
.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: 1, maximumLength: 65535) { (receivedContent, context, isComplete, receivedError)

As far as I understand is that the parameter .protocolMetadata in ContextContent should provide a list of all involved protocols. I expect an array of 3 NWProtocolMetadata like [NWProtocolIP.Metadata, NWProtocolUDP.Metadata, NWProtocolQUIC.Metadata] but I only get [NWProtocolQUIC.Metadata].

I already managed to get [NWProtocolIP.Metadata, NWProtocolUDP.Metadata] for a UDP connection but I can't get it to work for QUIC.

Is it possible to get NWProtocolIP.Metadata, NWProtocolUDP.Metadata for a QUIC connection within the receive function?

Regards Jan

QUIC receive get NWProtocolMetadata for all involved protocols