Photogrammetry CLI Tool Error

Hi all,

I took bunch of photos using Apple's 'Capture Sample' iOS app. Even though the all images in .HEIC/HEIF file format that CLI tool logs the bunch of the following errors and couldn't find any solution.

1-) HEIF file is expected. 2-) *** Assertion failure in OCReturn OCNonModularSPI_CMPhoto_readResolution(const OCHeicReadHandle, const NSURL *__strong, uint64_t *, uint64_t *)(), CMPhoto+NonModularSPI.m:1271

we are also facing this issue and have filed this bug a long time ago. FB13157298. yet to receive a response from Apple on this. it has issues both with previous images captured with their sample app but also with images captured from their own native camera app.

Photogrammetry CLI Tool Error