Xcode 15.3 crippled with "internal inconsistency error"

Since Xcode 15.3 it has become impossible to build our project more twice in a row without encountering a batch of "internal inconsistency error: never received target ended message for target ID …".

This issues appeared a few months ago (15.0 i think, but i'm not sure), but xcode 15.3 makes it almost unusable. We're a team of 3 iOS devs, and we're all having the problem.

Our project involves a lot of SPM packages, a few cocoa pods, a few iOS Frameworks, and a bit of swiftgen. Nothing particularly special for a large project, and no custom build steps that does anything fancy.

It is now to the point where we're looking for alternative to xcode, because we can't decently kill xcode and restart every time we have to build our code...

Xcode 15.3 crippled with "internal inconsistency error"