CloudKit User Discoverability

Hello, Prior to iOS 17, it was possible to request user discoverability by calling ‚requestApplicationPermission‘. But now it is deprecated. How is the intended way to do this now? How this is for example handled in the Music App? I think this should be a similar approach.

Currently the only option for me seems to save the Email-Address (and maybe phone number) in the CloudKit public database, that other user can discover by this. But that the problem exists, that we need to fetch for changes at phone numbers and mail addresses that are linked to the iCloud account (because user might change anything). Is there a more elegant solution, than just checking the current email addresses and phone numbers at each start of the application (if that is even possible)?

For example the Music App has that Switch "Find my by Apple-ID" but I don't know how this is handled in the background.


Totally agree! I wrote a whole essay about it, before Apple deprecated the APIs, pointing out some of the missing elements to make a smooth experience. Now, you just have to allow users to send "share URLs" to each other manually. <sigh/>

CloudKit User Discoverability