Reached the maximum number of registered iPhone devices

I have no longer a paid developer account and after upgrading to iPhone 8+ I tried to install my app and XCODE posts the following error: " Code Signing Error: Your development team has reached the maximum number of registered iPhone devices."

How do I remove them? How do I contact Apple Development Support to remove them for me?


You can't get there from here because (a) you can't access the required section in the Member Center without a paid acccount, and (b) dev support is predicated on having a paid account as well (and there wouldn't be much point to a limit if you could just send an email to have it lifted...).

Best to pony up and renew your paid account, or... create another apple ID you can throw at using free provisioning instead, I think, but it's not clear if your devices will be sniffed out as part of that process or not.

I also met the same problem. Have you solved it?


See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots) - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom. Good luck.


Any updates? I had a paid account many years ago. i just tried using the same account (now free account) to sideload apps to my personal device for testing and im getting the same error. Contacted Apple to see if they could assist.

Not aware of any changes to the free provisioning device limit.

Still not fixed, just can't believe it.

Still not fixed, just can't believe it.

Use the Contact Us link below, request a phone call, during which you should explain that you want devices removed in order to continue testing via Xcode Free Provisioning, and ask them to remove devices. They will take a look, confirm which one(s) you want dropped and after a wait for the info to update on the backend, you can go about your business.

But if you're insisting on a change to the limit, keep in mind that free provisioning is just so individuals can toe-dip the tools/IDE - it is only by the grace of Apple that it's even allowed, as in no free lunch. More devices is 'fixed' by purchasing an account. Seems fair, after all.

Good luck.

I'm going to reach out to Apple, but wanted to ask if anyone else found a working solution to this?

Shoutout to Apple in 2024. Can you please do sth about it? I'm not renewing my account before that. Will do Android first!

Reached the maximum number of registered iPhone devices