In Xcode the menu item Editor -> Export for Localization that generates the XLIFF file for the localized files in the project does not include the localized file in the Settings bundle. For example consider the following localized files in the project:Settings.bundle en.lproj Root.strings es.419.lproj Root.strings...Resources InfoPlist.strings InfoPlist.strings (Base) IntoPlist.strings (Spanish (Latin America)) Localizable.strings Localizable.strings (Base) Localizable.strings (Spanish (Latin America))When I use the menu item "Editor -> Export for Localization" the generated XLIFF file contains InfoPlist.strings & Localizable.strings. However, it does not include Root.strings from the Settings bundle. Is there a way to include Root.strings in the generated XLIFF file so that it is also part of the same translation process?
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